Category: Blog

January 2017

The Nice Report – taking care of our elderly

The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence have published new guidelines around the care of our elderly in care homes. The report stresses that a focus on good oral hygiene could significantly improve the quality of life for many people and that funding should be made available to assist staff in assisting residents to meet their dental needs. Links to the recommendation made by the report and recommendations for staff at care homes can be accessed here.

December 2016

Christmas wishes
All the team at Citygate Specialist Dental Clinic would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge some of the fantastic people who visited our clinic over the past year. We were extremely lucky to meet some inspirational people who trusted us to share their stories and their hopes. We consider ourselves very lucky to be in a position where we have the opportunity to help these remarkable individuals.

A very Merry Christmas from all of us here and wishing you a happy and healthy New Year.

Your Citygate Specialist Team

November 2016

Holidays are coming!
Have the sweet treats started to appear in your workplace yet! The build up to Christmas can make the healthy option increasingly difficult. Here are some helpful tips to prepare you for the next few weeks.

  1. Beware of mince pies, Christmas cake and pudding as they are full of dried fulls which can stick to your teeth and increase the risk of tooth decay.
  2. Say cheese! Cheese helps to return the mouth to a natural acid balance and can help reduced the chances of developing tooth decay.
  3. Beware of Christmas flavoured coffee drinks which often contain large quantities of sugar.

Let the holiday build up begin!

November 2013

International Association of Dental Research (IADR) comes to Cork

The IADR Irish division annual meeting will be held on the 14th and 15th of November in University College Cork. The keynote speakers are Professor Mark Ferguson, CEO Science Foundation Ireland and Professor Helen Whelton, IADR president. This promises to be an exciting few days discussing the latest research in dentistry.